The Only Underwater Painter in the World
The Only Underwater Painter in the World
Virtual Solo Exhibition - ONGOING
by Artist. Olga Belka
“Whispers of the Sea”
BeOne Gallery has always taken the lead to present mesmerizing artworks from local & globally renowned artists. Our exhibitions & all art works have been very well received and appreciated by global artists & art lover’s community. This year has been tough with COVID putting a halt on live art exhibitions. We are sure all Artists & art lovers are waiting to again be free to see, feel and experience Artworks created by Global Artists. Your wait is over. BeOne Gallery is back with another exiting online Art exhibition which would leave every Art Lover amazed by the creativity and uniqueness of this Artist. BeOne Gallery is very proud to organize a virtual solo online art exhibition “Whispers of The Seas” for the most unique globally renowned Russian underwater painter – Olga Belka. Olga Belka needs no introduction. Her Artworks and unique style of underwater painting has made her one of the globally renowned and respected artists. She developed a unique technology of painting in salt water, allowing her to paint from nature, detailing the smallest details of the underwater world. Olga Belka paints not only corals, fishes, turtles, and other sea life. But she also works with staging. She creates various story compositions. For example, stories of treasure. To do this, she uses additional props, safe for marine life. As Olga rightly says - “To me, the sea is a boundless resource of inspiration and energy.” BeOne Gallery wants all Art lovers to experience and be mesmerized by her unique paintings. Through our exhibition “Whispers of The Seas” we would be taking all Art lovers for a virtual underwater experience which is reflected in Olga’s paintings. Every Art lover would experience the sun glares dancing on the surface of water and passing through the water and being reflected on the corals. BeOne Gallery kindly request all Artists and Art lover’s community to join us online in our virtual tour of underwater experience being portrayed through Olga Belka’s magical underwater paintings. |
olga Belka Colletion
Visit our Channel to Watch & know more about Artist.OLGA BELKA
Artist Introduction
Olga Belka is a Russian artist who became a unique underwater artist, the only underwater portraitist in the world. She developed a unique technology of painting in salt water, allowing her to paint from nature, detailing the smallest details of the underwater world.
Olga Belka had 9 personal exhibitions in Moscow, Thailand, Taiwan and Maldives in 2017-2019, Exhibited her underwater art at Art Revolution Taipei 2019 in Taiwan, Moscow Dive Show in 2018 and 2019, International Thailand Yacht Show in Phuket in 2019, Art Shenzhen in 2019, was invited as a special guest to many events. You can see movies about Olga’s art on TV and articles about her in the media at least of 30 countries.
In Russia, Olga Belka started as a book illustrator at leading publishing houses and also painted for private collectors. But diving changed her life. She was so inspired by the underwater world so she moved to Southeast Asia, got a professional diving level and started developing technology for painting underwater.
Olga has a higher education of Art and Pedagogical College of Technology and Design (fashion design department) and Moscow State University (Diploma “Modern Use of Folk Arts and Crafts in Design and Contemporary Art”). Besides, Olga had individual training and practice with Members of the Union of Artists of Russia. Experience in both painting and diving helped to overcome optical distortions in color and shape in the water column. Esprit and quick wits helped Olga to get used to special chemical features and physical laws. So she started painting underwater.
Olga managed to achieve not only the desired visual effect and environmental friendliness but also the durability of the paintings. She creates paintings completely from beginning to end from nature on the seabed. Each painting required from two to six dives and every dive lasts up to three hours.
Olga Belka paints not only corals, fishes, turtles, and other sea life. But she also works with staging. She creates various story compositions. For example, stories of treasure. To do this, she uses additional props, safe for marine life.
Having gained experience in painting underwater landscapes, Olga Belka set about creating a completely new art direction – an underwater portrait. In the water column, humans obey completely different laws of physics and are surrounded by new unfamiliar energies and a completely different harmony. Being under the authority of the same energies, Olga captures them on canvas.
At the moment Olga Belka is the owner of a scuba diving center in Phuket but she travels and paints all over the world. Olga Belka exhibits and sells her paintings. She successfully develops her project teaching underwater painting to people from different countries and different ages.
Olga Belka’s unique studio is an underwater world where she creates the paintings while diving. The sea is a boundless resource of inspiration and energy for her and Olga Belka wants to share her vision of the underwater kingdom with the world. In addition, Olga wants to draw the attention of the world community to the beauties of the underwater world and the need to protect the environment. That is why Olga create paintings underwater.